Directly from manufacturers
in Russia and abroad
Corn export


Corn is second to wheat by importance in human daily ratio, it is very popular in world.

Corn contains such important elements as protein, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin PP, potassium, phosphorus. Being a high-energy nutrition, corn may be used – and used – as fodder.

Corn was initially cultivated by humans in Guatemala and present Southern Mexico. Today corn is grown in many countries, and leading corn producers are USA, Brazil, China, Mexico, Argentina, India, South Africa, France and Russia.

All corn, shipped by Amurzerno LLC, match GOST (Russian National Quality Standart) 13634-90. Below are quality facts:





Not more than 15.0
Weed admixture


Not more than 2.0
Damaged seeds


Not more than 0.5
Grain admixture


Not more than 7.0

Quality facts for fodder corn may be sent by request.

Shipment conditions: Inside Russian territory – ex-wagon, Export shipments – INCOTERMS 2020

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