Directly from manufacturers
in Russia and abroad
Soybean Export


Soy, a.k.a. Soybeans, has its origins in Eastern Asia. Humans cultivate soybeans for more than 4000 years. Soy consists miraclious high percent of protein, about 40%, some sorts at 48-50% protein similar to animal’s. That’s why soybeans are used not only as fodder, but also to produce sports nutrition.

This makes soybeans a very important agricultural produce in whole world. Soybeans are used to produce not only protein, but also vitamin A, В1, В2, В3, В6, РР, Р, К, D, C.

All soybeans, shipped by Amurzerno LLC, match GOST (Russian National Quality Standart) 17109-88. Below are quality facts:





Not less than 35.0


Not more than 12.0


Not less than 16.0
Weed admixture


Not more than 2.0
Without GMO

Shipment conditions: Inside Russian territory – ex-wagon, Export shipments – INCOTERMS 2020

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